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Programa Comunitario de Investigación Oncológica (NCORP) del NCI

El Programa Comunitario de Investigación Oncológica (NCORP) del NCI es un programa comunitario que trae estudios clínicos de cáncer e investigación de prestación de tratamiento para cáncer a individuos en sus propias comunidades.

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Improving Outcomes for Patients with NF1

Read about Philip Moss who participated in an NCI clinical trial led by Brigitte Widemann that is showing promise in treating children with NF1.

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Brushing the Airway to Detect Lung Cancer Earlier

Learn how NCI support enabled pulmonologist Avrum Spira to develop a minimally invasive test to tell whether smokers with suspicious lung lesions have cancer.

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Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA)

The Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) is an NCI fellowship award with an “umbrella” appointment mechanism for fellowship programs within NCI divisions, offices, and centers. Learn more about CRTA at NCI.

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Efectos secundarios de la radioterapia

La radioterapia tiene efectos secundarios porque no solo destruye las células cancerosas o hace lento su crecimiento, puede afectar también las células sanas. Muchas personas que reciben radioterapia experimentan cansancio. Otros efectos secundarios dependen de la parte del cuerpo que recibe el tratamiento.

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Radioterapia de haz externo para el cáncer

La radioterapia de haz externo se usa para tratar muchos tipos de cáncer. Es un tratamiento local en donde una máquina enfoca la radiación al cáncer. Aprenda sobre los diferentes tipos de radioterapia de haz externo y qué esperar si recibe esta terapia. 

La radioterapia de haz externo se usa para tratar muchos tipos de cáncer. Es un tratamiento local en donde una máquina enfoca la radiación al cáncer. Aprenda sobre los diferentes tipos de radioterapia de haz externo y qué esperar si recibe esta terapia.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Treatment Clinical Trials

Suggested questions to ask your doctor, if you are thinking about taking part in a clinical trial.

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Scientific Review

Scientific review ensures that studies are based on sound science, which contributes to the safety of clinical trial participants. Learn about the role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs), and government agenci

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Cancer Staging

Staging is the process of determining how much cancer is within the body (tumor size) and if it has spread. Learn about the TNM Staging system and other ways that stage is described.

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The International Rare Cancer Initiative

The International Rare cancer Initiative focuses on rare cancers because they are a pressing public health priority. Read more to learn about how CGH pushes for practice-changing clinical trials in rare cancers.

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