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Get Your Eyes Tested

contacts  Health Topics  contact lenses  screening tests  eye health  vision screening  glasses  eye test  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Regular eye exams help find eye problems early, when they may be easier to treat. Share this resource to encourage people to get their eyes tested.

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Talk with a Doctor If Breast or Ovarian Cancer Runs in Your Family

genetics  genetic  genetic testing  Health Topics  cancer risk  genealogy  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Share this resource to help women talk with their doctors about their risk for breast or ovarian cancer.

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Talk to Your Doctor about Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

smoking  Abdomen  Health Topics  AAA  abdominal aorta  aneurysm  aorta  healthfinder  ODPHP 

If abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) isn't found and treated early, it can be deadly. Share this resource to encourage men age 65 to 75 who have ever smoked to talk with their doctors about AAA.

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Get Your Child’s Shots on Schedule

vaccination  vaccine  hepatitis  pertussis  immunization  measles  autism  Whooping Cough  chicken pox  Health Topics  child health  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Shots (also called vaccinations or immunizations) help protect children from serious diseases. Share this resource to help parents get their children all the shots recommended by age 2.

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Ride Your Bike Safely

physical activity  Health Topics  biking  bicycle  bicycle safety  bicycles  cycling  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Riding bikes is a great way to get active. Share these safety tips to help people ride safely.

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Take Charge of Your Health Care

health information  insurance  providers  healthcare  provider  health care provider  Health Topics  medical history  healthfinder  ODPHP 

When people play an active role in their health care, they can improve the quality of the care they get. Share these tips to help people speak up and ask questions at the doctor's office.

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Prepare for a Flu Pandemic

public health  h1n1  flu vaccine  flu shot  emergency preparedness  population health  Health Topics  healthfinder  ODPHP 

A flu pandemic is a global outbreak of a new flu virus that spreads easily from person to person. Share these tips to help people stay prepared for a flu pandemic.

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Temas para hablar con un ser querido: La alimentación saludable

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

A veces, un familiar o amigo necesita motivación para hacer cambios en beneficio de su salud. Pon en práctica estos consejos para empezar una conversación sobre la importancia de comer una alimentación saludable.

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Lista para llevar al mercado: Alimentos que contienen menos sodio

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

La mayoría de las personas consumen más sodio (sal) del que necesitan. Esto puede llevar a problemas de salud, como presión arterial alta. Si quieres reducir la cantidad de sodio en tu alimentación, sigue estos consejos cuando vayas al mercado:.

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Preguntas para el doctor: La mamografía

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

La mamografía es una radiografía de los senos que se usa para detectar el cáncer de seno. Las mamografías pueden detectar temprano este tipo de cáncer, antes de que se extienda a otras partes del cuerpo. La mayoría de las mujeres pueden sobrevivir al cáncer de seno si la enfermedad se detecta y se trata a tiempo.

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