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CDC - Advance Care Planning Course - Aging

aging  continuing education  CE  advanced care  accreditation 

This course will prepare and encourage public health and aging services professionals to consider their vital role in assisting older Americans plan and document what should be done in the event they become seriously ill or lose decision-making capacity.

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Update: Severe Respiratory Illness Associated with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) - Worldwide, 2012-2013

CDC continues to work in consultation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners to better understand the public health risk posed by the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), formerly known as novel coronavirus, which was first reported to cause human infection in September 2012 (1–4). The continued reporting of new cases indicates that there is an ongoing risk for transmission to humans in the area of the Arabian Peninsula. New reports of cases outside the region raise concerns about importation to other geographic areas.

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Pertussis: Letter of Guidance for Parents and Clinicians during Outbreaks

pertussis  CDC  Whooping Cough  pertussis outbreak letter to parents and clinicians  pertussis outbreak guidance letter  pertussis outbreak letter  pertussis outbreaks in schools 

This draft letter can be adapted during pertussis outbreaks in schools or other closed or contained settings to guide parents and clinicians during outbreaks.

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Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - MERS-CoV | CDC Features

coronavirus  MERS  MERS-CoV  novel coronavirus  SARS  SARS-CoV  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus  alpha coronavirus 229E  alpha coronavirus NL63  beta coronavirus OC43  beta coronavirus HKU1 

CDC Coronavirus: Coronaviruses are common throughout the world. They can infect people and animals. Five different coronaviruses can infect people and make them sick. They usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory illness.

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Coronavirus - About - CDC

coronavirus  novel coronavirus  SARS  SARS-CoV  alpha coronavirus 229E  alpha coronavirus NL63  beta coronavirus OC43  beta coronavirus HKU1 

CDC Coronavirus: Coronaviruses are common throughout the world. They can infect people and animals. Five different coronaviruses can infect people and make them sick. They usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory illness.

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Influenza Activity - United States, 2012-13 Season andComposition of the 2013-14 Influenza Vaccine

Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov.

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