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Vaccines: Healthcare Workers Need Vaccines Too - Adults - CDC

healthcare workers  hcp  hcw  hcw button  hcw materials  hcw resources  immunization of healthcare workers  healthcare immunization  hc personnel  vaccines and healthcare workers  immunization recommendations of healthcare workers 

Maintaining immunity to these diseases is an important preventive practice for HCWs. If you work directly with paitents or handle material that could spread infection, you should get appropriate vaccines to reduce the chance you will get sick and to prevent spreading diseases to your coworkers, patients, or family members.

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Heat-Related Deaths After an Extreme Heat Event - FourStates, 2012, and United States, 1999-2009

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Testing for HCV Infection: An Update of Guidance for Clinicians and Laboratorians

h. pylori  japanese encephalitis shot 

In the United States, an estimated 4.1 million persons have been infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), of whom an estimated 3.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.

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Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines: InterimRecommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization PracticesACIP, 2013

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Testing for HCV Infection: An Update of Guidance forClinicians and Laboratorians

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Announcement: National Blood Pressure Education Month - May2013

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Average Annual Rate of Eye-Related Emergency Department Visits for Injuries and Medical Conditions, by Age Group - United States, 2007-2010

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Limb Loss Awareness - NCBDDD

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Asian Americans and Hepatitis B | CDC Features

CDC  testing  hepatitis b  asia  Liver Disease  Blood test  CDC Features  Asian Americans  Pacific Islanders  AAPI  API  Pacific Islands  CDC hepatitis B  chronic Hepatitis B  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  Hepatitis Awareness Month  Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month 

Hepatitis B affects 1 in 12 Asian Americans; most don’t know it. Talk to a doctor about getting tested for Hepatitis B if you or your parents were born in Asia or the Pacific Islands.

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