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CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Terrie's Ad: Consequences of Smoking

Terrie had cancer as a result of smoking. In a 2012 Tips From Former Smokers TV commercial, Terrie showed us how she got ready for her day. In this video, Terrie shares that the only voice her grandson ever heard was an artificial one. He was born after doctors removed her larynx. Her tip to smokers is to "make a video or recording of yourself reading a children's storybook and singing a lullaby—before smoking affects your health." Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: http://www.cdc.gov/SocialMedia/Tools/CommentPolicy.html This video can also be viewed at http://streaming.cdc.gov/vod.php?id=5a352546717dc398e6c56974ce5c9bd220130318114650468

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CDC Tips From Former Smokers - Jamason: "I Didn't Know Why I Couldn't Breathe"

Jamason and his mother Sherri talk about the day Jamason had to go to the hospital after having a severe asthma attack at work, triggered by exposure to secondhand smoke. Recounting the drive to the hospital, Sherri said, "I just held his hand, and told him just squeeze it every now and then so I know he's breathing." In this video from CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Jamason admits that after such a severe attack, he was afraid to leave the hospital because he knew that outside, in the real world, people smoke. Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: http://www.cdc.gov/SocialMedia/Tools/CommentPolicy.html This video can also be viewed: http://streaming.cdc.gov/vod.php?id=7917e7a0894e561488c5aad99c8adc8720130328095210563

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CDC: Tips From Former Smokers - Tiffany: You Don't Quit Just for Yourself

Tiffany talks about losing her mother, a smoker, to lung cancer when she was 16. Despite this, Tiffany smoked for years before realizing what she might miss in her own daughter's life. In this video from CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Tiffany's daughter's, Jaelin, says she cannot imagine living without her mother. Jaelin goes on to tell her mom how proud she is of her for quitting smoking for good. Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: http://www.cdc.gov/SocialMedia/Tools/CommentPolicy.html This video can also be viewed at http://streaming.cdc.gov/vod.php?id=ff67b50b6de6064f26c7bb347d2aa68f20130326152816255

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