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Travel to Hot Climates | CDC Features

travel  heat stroke  heat exhaustion  hot weather  heat illness  CDC Features  international travel  hot climate  hot temperatures  tropical climate  heat injury 

Planning your next trip to a tropical climate like in the Caribbean? Pack your swimsuit and sunscreen, and follow these tips to prevent heat illness and injury when traveling in a hot climate.

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HHS - Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)

Decision Statistics

health data  General Public  Academics/Researchers  Health Care Professionals  Human Services Professionals 

OMHA Decision Statistics for the Level 3 Medicare Appeals Process.

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Public Health Law: A Tool to Address Emerging Health Concerns

public health  CDC  surveillance  sickle cell disease  SCD 

Public Health Grand Rounds November 2016

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Vaccines: Recommended Vaccines for Adults

adult immunization  adults and immunization  vaccines and adults  adult vaccination  Recommended Vaccines for Adults  Recommended Immunizations for Adults  Who Should NOT be Vaccinated 

Recommended Vaccines for Adults: Vaccines for Specific Groups, who should and should not be vaccinated.

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HHS - Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA)

Upcoming Webinars

health care  Affordable Care Act  General Public 

CMS and the HHS Partnership Center.

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