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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Elderly Outreach Program

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Wisconsin organization that addressed health-related quality of life and well-being of Hmong elders.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Human Rights and Health Collective

In this story from the field, we take a look at a California organization that addressed health conditions related to housing and food security among low-income residents.

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Reducing Binge Drinking: New Mexico's Driving While Intoxicated Prevention Campaign

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New Mexico Department of Health implemented a prevention campaign against binge drinking and alcohol-impaired driving among adults in New Mexico.

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Helping Virginians Manage Chronic Disease – A CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Success Story

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Virginia Department of Health partnered with the Virginia Department of Aging to improve access to community workshops aimed at helping people manage a chronic health condition.

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Early and Middle Childhood

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Disability and Health

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Sleep Health

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

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