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Prevención del cáncer de ano (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

cancer prevention  anal cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre factores que pueden influir en el riesgo de presentar cáncer de ano y sobre las investigaciones dirigidas a prevenir esta enfermedad.

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Lung-MAP: Master Protocol for Squamous Cell Lung Cancer

lung  protocol  nctn  lung-map  non-small cell 

The Lung Cancer Master Protocol, or Lung-MAP, is a precision medicine research study for people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer that has continued to grow after treatment. Patients are assigned to different study drug combinations based on the results of genomic profiling of their tumors.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Clinical Trials

Guiding questions for brain and spine tumor patients to ask their doctor about clinical trials or research studies.

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Prevención del cáncer de ano (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

cancer prevention  anal cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre factores que pueden influir en el riesgo de presentar cáncer de ano, y sobre las investigaciones dirigidas a la prevención de esta enfermedad.

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Questions to Ask Your Neurosurgeon

Guiding questions to ask a neurosurgeon to help brain and spine tumor patients learn about the risks and benefits of surgery, the experience of the surgeon, and how to prepare for surgery.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Their Experience

Guiding questions for brain and spine tumor patients to ask a doctor about his or her experience treating rare tumors.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Your Diagnosis

Guiding questions for brain and spine tumor patients to ask their doctor about their diagnosis. This includes tumor type, location, size, grade, and other important features.

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Consumo de cigarrillo: riesgos para la salud y cómo dejar de fumar (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

cancer prevention  smoking cessation intervention 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre la investigación y pautas que se enfocan en la prevención y el cese de fumar.

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When Your Rare Brain or Spine Tumor Recurs

Patients with a rare brain or spine tumor recurrence can learn about treatments, support resources, and get guiding questions to find a doctor and make care decisions.

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NCTN: NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network

Information about the National Clinical Trial Network's infrastructure and a synopsis of how NCTN improves the speed and efficiency of cancer clinical trials.

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