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Older Adults

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Substance Abuse

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Respiratory Diseases

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Tackling Substance Abuse Through a Community-Wide Coalition

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Tooele City, UT implemented the Communities That Care (CTC) program to mobilize community engagement around youth substance abuse issues.

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School-Based Intervention Teaches About Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Texas program improved health behavior among children through the promotion of physical activity and healthy food choices.

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Reducing Violent Crime and Invigorating Communities Through Greening Vacant Lots

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at the relationship between vacant, overgrown lots and neighborhood crime in Philadelphia.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Door-to-Door Program

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Maryland program that brought healthcare access to low-income, socially isolated Latinos through direct community engagement.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Green Cleaning Workshops

In this story from the field, we take a look at an Oregon organization that works to empower a Latino community with the skills to protect their environment and improve the health of their children.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Human Rights and Health Collective

In this story from the field, we take a look at a California organization that addressed health conditions related to housing and food security among low-income residents.

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