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Reducing Binge Drinking: New Mexico's Driving While Intoxicated Prevention Campaign

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New Mexico Department of Health implemented a prevention campaign against binge drinking and alcohol-impaired driving among adults in New Mexico.

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Kentucky Homeplace: Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Through Tailored, Community-Based Approaches

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Kentucky Homeplace developed a colorectal cancer component for their community health worker program to improve the health of rural Kentuckians.

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Freedom to Breathe Act — One Coalition's Work to Clear the Air for the People of Minnesota

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how ClearWay Minnesota collaborated with others, including the Minnesota Department of Health, to pass legislation that banned smoking in public places.

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Unity Health Care ? Improving Family Planning to Low-Income and Uninsured Individuals

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the St. Louis Integrated Health Network implemented the Community Referral Coordinator Program to improve access to primary care.

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Stroke Victims Benefit from Improved Emergency Medical Services – A CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Success Story

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Allen County Health Department partnered with the Lima Memorial Health System to start a comprehensive training program to improve the standard of acute stroke care provided by emergency medical services and Emergency Department staff.

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Tackling Teen Drinking in Barron County – A CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Success Story

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Barron County Department of Health & Human Services partnered with Barron County Safe & Stable Families Coalition to address the problem of underage drinking in their community.

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