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Securing Health Coverage for Children Through Statewide Partnerships

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Children's Defense Fund-Texas made great strides in insuring children living in Texas.

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Helping Improve Access to Health Services

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at the University of Chicago Medical Center's Urban Health Initiative's South Side Healthcare Collaborative, a network of more than 30 community-based health centers, free clinics and local hospitals on the south side of Chicago, who partner to help residents make a long-term connection with a primary care physician.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Let's Move! Rockbridge

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Virginia organization that addressed community health by developing partnerships with local businesses, physicians, and schools to promote healthy behaviors in their community.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Peers Helping Peers - Innovations in Tobacco Dependence Education and Intervention

In this story from the field, we take a look at a New Jersey project that encouraged individuals to address high rates of smoking at mental health agencies.

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Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Asthma Series

In this story from the field, we take a look at a New York organization that effectively used technology and media to discuss childhood asthma.

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