The state of Maryland has signs designed around the Maryland flag that tobacco retailers are more willing to hang up in their locations... and they are 8.5 x 11 inches, so they are easier for shop owners to find a space to hang them. Your digital calendars are great for the counter.
–David Trefsger,
Atlantic General Hospital
Thank you for the fabulous resources!
–Sara Brown,
Smoking and Health Action Coalition
I work for the Woodbridge Health Department and we would like to order 100 Digital Calculators for our local stores that sell tobacco. Each year we go out to each location and provide materials on age of sale and feel this will be very helpful.
–Michelle Kopervas,
Woodbridge Township Health Department
These digital calendars would be a great tool for retailers to have, especially when I walk through the education piece with them.
–Mariah Klein,
Benton County Public Health
The calendar would make a great addition to the materials we have already provided.
–Abbigale Clifford,
Georgia Department of Health - District 4
We are excited to add the FDA calendar to the materials that we share and distribute to our City's tobacco retailers!
–Teresa Lara,
Los Angeles City Attorney's Office/Tobacco Enforcement Program