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267 Search Results


Aprende a controlar el estrés

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

No todos los tipos de estrés son malos, pero el estrés crónico (constante) puede causar problemas de salud.

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Habla con el doctor sobre la depresión

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

Si crees que podrías estar deprimido, habla con el doctor sobre cómo te sientes.

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Habla con el doctor sobre las pruebas de detección que necesitan los recién nacidos

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

Antes de que nazca tu hijo, habla con el doctor o la comadrona sobre las pruebas que se les hacen a los recién nacidos para detectar enfermedades y problemas de salud.

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Get Your Cholesterol Checked

heart disease  heart attack  Health Topics  ldl cholesterol  hdl cholesterol  total cholesterol  lipid profile  lipid profile test  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Too much cholesterol in your blood can cause a heart attack or a stroke. Share this resource to encourage people age 40 to 75 to get their cholesterol checked regularly.

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Get Tested for Colorectal Cancer

Colonoscopy  Colon Cancer  rectal cancer  Health Topics  healthfinder  ODPHP 

People age 50 to 75 need to get tested regularly for colorectal cancer. Share this resource to encourage people to get tested.

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Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation

addiction  Health Topics  excessive drinking  Substance Abuse  alcoholic  alcoholics  alcohol abuse  alcohol problem  alcohol addiction  alcohol limit  moderate drinking  alcohol intake  healthfinder  ODPHP 

For people who choose to drink, it's healthier to have only a moderate (limited) amount. Share this guide to help people learn more about drinking in moderation.

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Get Tested for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

pregnancy  sex  Health Topics  STI  Sexual Health  sexually transmitted infection  STD testing  intercourse  sti testing  gonorrhea symptoms  signs of gonorrhea  gonorrhea test  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Share this resource to encourage people to get tested.

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Get Your Hearing Checked

screening  aging  Health Topics  hearing loss  deafness  older adult health  senior health  hearing aid  ears  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Many people lose their hearing slowly as they age. Share this resource to encourage people to get their hearing tested.

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Take Care of Your Teeth and Gums

gum disease  oral health  dental  Health Topics  dental health  dental care  check up  check-up  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Share this resource to help people take care of their teeth and gums and prevent tooth decay (cavities).

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Prepare for an Emergency

preparedness  emergency preparedness  evacuation  Health Topics  first aid  natural disaster  emergency plan  evacuate  disaster preparedness  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Planning ahead can help people stay safe if there's an emergency, like a natural or man-made disaster. Share this resource to help people prepare for an emergency.

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