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Take Care of Your Teeth and Gums

gum disease  oral health  dental  Health Topics  dental health  dental care  check up  check-up  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Share this resource to help people take care of their teeth and gums and prevent tooth decay (cavities).

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Oral Health for Older Adults: Quick tips

gum disease  seniors  oral health  dental  Health Topics  elderly  older adult health  senior health  dental health  dental care  check up  check-up  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

People can prevent mouth problems like toothaches, cavities, and tooth loss by taking care of their teeth and gums. Share this resource to help older adults protect their oral health.

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Don’t Toss the Floss! The Benefits of Daily Cleaning Between Teeth

nih news and health  dental  floss 

You may have seen or heard news stories suggesting that you can forget about flossing, since scientists lack solid evidence that you’ll benefit from cleaning between your teeth with a sturdy string. But many dentists may beg to differ. They’ve seen the teeth and gums of people who floss regularly and those who haven’t. The differences can be striking...

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Ensuring Safe Dental Care | CDC Features

guide  recommendation  CDC Features  infection control  dental  infection prevention 

CDC has created new tools and resources to help dental staff better follow infection prevention recommendations in the dental setting.

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Community Water Fluoridation 70th Anniversary | CDC Features

anniversary  oral  fluoride  CDC Features  dental  fluoridation  cavities  community water  fluoridate  fluorosis 

Drink fluoridated water if it is available where you live and use fluoride toothpaste. Since community water fluoridation began in 1945, each generation has enjoyed better oral health than the previous one.

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A simulation model for designing effective interventions in early childhood caries.

CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Early childhood caries  ECC  tooth decay  dental 

Early childhood caries (ECC) — tooth decay among children younger than 6 years — is prevalent and consequential, affecting nearly half of US 5-year-olds, despite being highly preventable. Various interventions have been explored to limit caries activity leading to cavities, but little is known about the long-term effects and costs of these interventions.

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