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PanFlu Storybook - I Survived, John Stanbury

pandemic influenza  1918  spanish flu  flu survivors  pandemic influenza storybook  John Stanbury 

I Survived, The staggering statistics associated with pandemics sometimes makes it difficult to remember that each number represents a single, human life. In this section, survivors share their intimate recollections of either their own illness or that of a loved one. All these storytellers are 90-plus years of age and they have carried with them for a lifetime their memories of the 1918 flu pandemic.

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Publications - Alcohol

CDC  alcohol  chronic disease  Binge Drinking  excessive drinking 

Excessive alcohol use can lead to increased risk of health problems such as injuries, violence, liver diseases, and cancer.The CDC Alcohol Program works to strengthen the scientific foundation for preventing excessive alcohol use.

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Clinical Preventive Services - Aging | CDC

older adults  aging  preventive services  Healthy People 2020  clinical care  National Association of Chronic Disease Directors  Michigan Public Health Institute  American Journal of Preventive Medicine  AARP  American Medical Association 

Given the rapid aging of the U.S. population, increasing the use of preventive services by adults aged 50 or older is a key public health strategy.

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Real Stories - Tips From Former Smokers - Smoking & Tobacco Use

cancer  asthma  diabetes  disabilities  quitting  stories  smoking  CDC  stroke  diseases  heart disease  stop smoking  quit smoking  COPD  dangers of smoking  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  commercial  effects of smoking  ad  Tips From Former Smokers 

Real stories of people - both former smokers and people who have never smoked - who are now living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities (from the Tips From Former Smokers campaign).

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Military Service Members & Veterans - For Specific Groups - Tips From Former Smokers - Smoking & Tobacco Use

statistics  quitting  smoking  CDC  data  stop smoking  quit smoking  dangers of smoking  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  veterans  military  commercial  effects of smoking  ad  Tips From Former Smokers  Tips from a Former Smoker  tips campaign  former smoker  cold turkey  Office on Smoking and Health 

Smoking-related statistics, information, and quitting resources specific to military service members and veterans. Part of the Tips from Former Smokers campaign, which features real people suffering as a result of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

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Mariano's Videos - Videos - Campaign Resources - Tips From Former Smokers - Smoking & Tobacco Use

ads  videos  quitting  smoking  CDC  heart attack  stop smoking  high blood pressure  quit smoking  dangers of smoking  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  commercial  effects of smoking  ad  Tips From Former Smokers  Tips from a Former Smoker  tips campaign  former smoker  cold turkey  Office on Smoking and Health 

Commercials and extended videos featuring Mariano, a former smoker who quit smoking after almost having a heart attack. Videos from the Tips from Former Smokers campaign, which features real people suffering as a result of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

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