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421 Search Results


Hepatitis E

Patients  Health Professionals  Liver Disease  Viral Hepatitis General  Hepatitis E  virus de hepatitis E  prevención de hepatitis E  transmisión de hepatitis E  causas de hepatitis E  síntomas de hepatitis E  diagnóstico de hepatitis E  complicaciones de hepatitis E  hepatitis E aguda 

La hepatitis E es una infección que causa inflamación y daño al hígado. La hepatitis E típicamente es aguda y generalmente mejora después de varias semanas.

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Peripheral Neuropathy

diabetes  patients  foot sores  amputation  health professionals  Diabetic Neuropathies  Peripheral neuropathy  DPN  diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy  distal symmetric polyneuropathy  DSPN  Charcots foot  foot exam 

Overview of peripheral neuropathy—a type of nerve damage that typically affects the feet and legs and sometimes affects the hands and arms.

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Healthy Moments - Digestive

Contains NIDDK's Healthy Moments YouTube videos associated with the Digestive health topic.

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Healthy Moments - Kidney

Contains NIDDK's Healthy Moments YouTube videos associated with the Kidney health topic.

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Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

patients  Digestive Diseases  Colonoscopy  Bowel Prep  Flexible Sigmoidoscopy  cancer screening  colon polyps test  colorectal polyps test  colorectal cancer test  colon cancer screening  CRC Test 

Learn how flexible sigmoidoscopy can detect ulcers, polyps, or cancer of the colon or rectum; how to prepare for the procedure; and what to expect afterward.

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Symptoms & Causes of Biliary Atresia

toxins  patients  liver  bile  genes  Liver Disease  health professionals  jaundice  viral infection  Biliary atresia  bilirubin  harmful chemicals  immune system problems 

Overview of the signs of biliary atresia, such as yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, called jaundice. Experts don’t know what causes biliary atresia.

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Liver Transplant Surgery

liver  Liver Disease  liver transplant  liver transplantation  transplant surgery  surgery recovery  surgery complications 

Learn how doctors perform liver transplant surgery. Learn about possible problems after surgery, recovery, and returning to normal activities.

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Living with a Liver Transplant

liver  Liver Disease  liver transplant  medical care  Liver transplant care  follow-up care  organ rejection  liver rejection  medicine side effects  immunosuppressants side effects  liver transplant diet 

Learn about follow-up medical care, organ rejection, medicines to prevent organ rejection, and what you should do to help care for your new liver.

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Definition & Facts of NAFLD & NASH

liver  Liver Disease  liver cancer  Cirrhosis  liver transplantation  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  NAFLD  nonalcoholic steatohepatitis  NASH  nonalcoholic fatty liver  NAFL  simple fatty liver  NAFLD and NASH 

Overview of NAFLD, a condition in which fat builds up in your liver, and NASH, a type of NAFLD in which you also have inflammation and liver cell damage.

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