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Definition & Facts for Cirrhosis

patients  Liver Disease  health professionals  liver damage  liver failure  Cirrhosis  cirrhosis causes  liver scarring  cirrhosis complications  cirrhosis prevalence 

Overview of cirrhosis, a condition in which your liver becomes scarred and damaged. As scarring and damage get worse, your liver stops working normally.

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Treatment for Cirrhosis

patients  Liver Disease  antiviral medications  health professionals  liver transplant  Cirrhosis  cirrhosis treatment  cirrhosis causes treatment  hepatitis medications  hepatitis drugs  cirrhosis complications treatment  cirrhosis prevention 

Learn how doctors treat the underlying causes of cirrhosis, which may keep cirrhosis from getting worse. Learn how doctors treat the complications of cirrhosis.

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Symptoms & Causes of Cirrhosis

patients  Liver Disease  viral hepatitis  health professionals  liver damage  Cirrhosis  NAFLD  cirrhosis symptoms  cirrhosis causes 

Overview of symptoms and causes of cirrhosis. Symptoms may include fatigue and severe itchy skin. Causes include alcoholic liver disease and viral hepatitis.

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Diagnosis of Cirrhosis

patients  Diagnostic Tests  Liver Disease  health professionals  Cirrhosis  liver biopsy  cirrhosis diagnosis  liver enzyme tests  viral infection tests  hepatitis testing  liver imaging 

Overview of how doctors diagnose cirrhosis based on your medical history; a physical exam; and the results of blood tests, imaging tests, and liver biopsy.

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Eating, Diet, & Nutrition for Cirrhosis

patients  Liver Disease  Foodborne Illnesses  health professionals  Cirrhosis  liver disease diet  cirrhosis diet  cirrhosis dietary supplements  cirrhosis nutrition  cirrhosis malnutrition  cirrhosis dietary recommendations 

Overview of the importance of a healthy, well-balanced diet if you have cirrhosis. Learn about foods and drinks to avoid, such as shellfish and alcohol.

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Hepatitis D

patients  hepatitis b  liver  Liver Disease  liver cancer  coinfection  liver failure  hepatitis B virus  Hepatitis D  Cirrhosis  hepatitis D virus  acute hepatitis D  chronic hepatitis D  hepatitis B infection  superinfection  hepatitis D tests  hepatitis D treatment  hepatitis D transmission 

Overview of hepatitis D, an infection that only occurs with hepatitis B and causes liver inflammation and damage. Hepatitis D can be acute or chronic.

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Hepatitis C

patients  liver  hepatitis c  Liver Disease  liver cancer  liver failure  chronic Hepatitis C  Cirrhosis  acute hepatitis C  hepatitis C tests  hepatitis C screening  hepatitis C medicines  hepatitis C drugs  Sovaldi  Olysio  Daklinza  Harvoni  Technivie  Viekira Pak  Viekira XR 

Overview of hepatitis C, an infection that causes liver inflammation and damage. Early diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis C can prevent liver damage.

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Hepatitis B

patients  hepatitis b  liver  Liver Disease  chronic Hepatitis B  liver cancer  hepatitis b vaccine  hepatitis b shot  liver failure  hepatitis B virus  Cirrhosis  acute hepatitis B  hepatitis B tests  hepatitis B screening  hepatitis B treatment  hepatitis B transmission 

Overview of hepatitis B, an infection that causes liver inflammation and damage. Hepatitis B can be acute or chronic. A vaccine can prevent hepatitis B.

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Definition & Facts of NAFLD & NASH

liver  Liver Disease  liver cancer  Cirrhosis  liver transplantation  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  NAFLD  nonalcoholic steatohepatitis  NASH  nonalcoholic fatty liver  NAFL  simple fatty liver  NAFLD and NASH 

Overview of NAFLD, a condition in which fat builds up in your liver, and NASH, a type of NAFLD in which you also have inflammation and liver cell damage.

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Definition & Facts of NAFLD & NASH in Children

patients  liver  Liver Disease  liver cancer  health professionals  Cirrhosis  liver transplantation  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  NAFLD  nonalcoholic steatohepatitis  NASH  nonalcoholic fatty liver  NAFL  simple fatty liver  NAFLD in children  NASH in children  NAFLD and NASH 

Overview of NAFLD, a condition in which fat builds up in a child’s liver, and NASH, the type of NAFLD in which a child’s liver has fat, hepatitis, and damage.

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