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Atención médica del bebé

Embarazo  el parto  nacimiento  la salud antes de concebir  embarazo no planificado  etapas del embarazo 

Ahora, tu obstetra o partera monitorea la salud del bebé por nacer. Pero apenas nazca, necesitará su propio médico. Comienza a buscar un médico para tu bebé varios meses antes del parto. Elegir un médico y resolver el tema del seguro de salud antes del parto te ahorra tiempo y te da tranquilidad a medida que te acercas a la fecha de parto. Además, si tienes un parto antes de lo esperado, alguien a quien conoces y en quien confías estará al pie del cañón para cuidar al bebé.

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Mellizos, trillizos y otros embarazos múltliples

Embarazo  el parto  nacimiento  la salud antes de concebir  embarazo no planificado  etapas del embarazo 

Si estás embarazada de más de un bebé, no estás para nada sola. En las últimas dos décadas, el numero de nacimientos múltiples ha aumentado en los Estados Unidos.

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Living with lupus

exercise  vaccines  stress  sleep  lupus  Women’s health  hyperlipidemia  healthy foods  lupus flare  lupus flare triggers  steroids  Vitamin D2 

Lupus symptoms come and go, but you can learn the triggers for flares to help control your symptoms.

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Pregnancy and body image

pregnancy  physical activity  women's health  massage  Body image  weight gain  hormonal changes  prenatal yoga  mental health support 

Learn ways to cope with feelings about your body’s changes during and after pregnancy from the Office on Women’s Health.

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Recovering from birth

pregnancy  baby  infant  birth  newborn  breastfeeding  women's health  Postpartum depression  Healthy Weight  uterus  birth recovery  new mothers  rest  physical changes  vaginal discharge  constipated  menstrual-like cramping  thyroid problems 

New mothers must take special care of their bodies after giving birth and while breastfeeding, too.

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Your baby's first hours of life

evaluation  baby  infant  hepatitis b  newborn  breastfeeding  women's health  eye care  hearing tests  bonding  apgar  Vitamin K shot  newborn metabolic screening  complete checkup 

Get tips from the Office on Women’s Health to be ready to bond with your new bundle of joy.

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Oral health

gum disease  oral health  dentist  Women’s health  floss  brushing 

Women have unique oral health concerns. Regular brushing, flossing, and dentist visits can help prevent disease in your mouth and the rest of your body.

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Pap and HPV tests

cervical cancer  Pap test  Pap smear  Women’s health  human papillomavirus  HPV tests  colposcopy  HPV test results 

Pap tests (Pap smears) look for cancers and precancers in the cervix. An HPV test looks for HPV in cervical cells. Learn when women need to get Pap and HPV tests.

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Pelvic organ prolapse

Rectocele  Urinary Incontinence  Women’s health  Cystocele  Pelvic organ prolapse  dropped bladder  dropped uterus  uterine prolapse 

Learn more about pelvic organ prolapse, talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and get help for this treatable condition.

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Pregnancy and medicines

Women’s health  Pregnancy and medicines  drug safety and pregnancy  vitamins and pregnancy  vaccines and pregnancy 

Talk with your doctor or nurse before you start or stop any medicine while you are pregnant. Learn about pregnancy and medicines from the Office on Women’s Health.

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