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Quitting Smoking: Conversation starters

cigarettes  addiction  smoking  quit  smoking cessation  quit smoking  Health Topics  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Most smokers want to quit. Support from a family member or friend can make all the difference. Share these tips to help people start a conversation with a loved one about quitting smoking.

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Swim Safely: Quick tips

pool  Health Topics  swimming pool  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Swimming is a great way for the whole family to get active. Share these tips to help people stay safe in and around the water.

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Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: Questions for the doctor

prevention  Health Topics  insulin  blood sugar  low blood sugar  Prevent diabetes  high blood sugar  pre-diabetes  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Share this resource to help people talk with their doctors about preventing type 2 diabetes.

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Support a Loved One at the Doctor: Quick tips

caregivers  family health  advocacy  Health Topics  care givers  Patient Advocacy  family support  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Share these tips to help people support their loved ones before, during, and after a doctor's visit.

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Eat Less Sodium: Quick tips

nutrition  diet  high blood pressure  salt  blood pressure  Health Topics  healthy food  HBP  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  salt intake  low salt  low sodium  low salt foods  low sodium foods  no sodium diet  low sodium diet  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Too much sodium increases the risk of health problems like high blood pressure. Share these tips to help people lower the sodium in their diet.

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Lung Cancer Screening: Questions for the doctor

nicotine  smoke  smoking cessation  quit smoking  Health Topics  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. Share these questions to help people talk with their doctors about getting screened.

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Testing for Syphilis: Questions for the doctor

STD  syphilis  Sexually Transmitted Diseases  Health Topics  STI  sexually transmitted infections  STDs  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Syphilis is an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Share this list of questions to help people ask their doctors about syphilis screening.

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Consejos: Cómo comer alimentos saludables durante el embarazo

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

Tomar buenas decisiones sobre los alimentos que comes puede ayudarte a tener un embarazo saludable y un bebé sano.

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Consejos: Cómo mantenerte activo si tienes una discapacidad

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

Realizar actividad física con regularidad es provechoso para la salud de toda persona, incluso para las personas con discapacidades. Mantenerte activo puede ayudarte a:.

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Preguntas para el doctor: La prueba de detección del cáncer de próstata

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

El cáncer de próstata es más frecuente en los hombres mayores que en los más jóvenes. Después del cáncer de piel, el cáncer de próstata es el tipo más frecuente de cáncer en los hombres de los Estados Unidos.

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