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Physical Activity and Cancer

exercise  activity  weight  diet  physical activity  movement  physical  energy  4.24  balance 

A fact sheet that summarizes evidence linking exercise and other physical activity, including work and household chores, to reduced cancer risks.

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Linfedema (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

cancer  prevention  foods  vegetables  risk  nutrition  lymphedema  cruciferous  diet  4.31  arugula  bok choy  Brassica  broccoli  brussels sprouts  cabbage  carotenoids  cauliflower  collards  glucosinolates 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos sobre la anatomía, la patofisiología, las manifestaciones clínicas, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del linfedema relacionado con el cáncer, una afección en la que se acumula líquido linfático en los tejidos y causa inflamación..

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Tratamiento del cáncer de glándulas salivales en adultos (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

cancer  prevention  bones  foods  risk  vitamin  skin  nutrition  test999  colorectal  pancreatic  prostate  supplements  diet  Pancreas  Calcium  4.29  osteomalacia  rickets  sun 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento del cáncer de glándulas salivales en adultos.

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Tratamiento de los tumores del sistema nervioso central en adultos (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

cancer  exercise  activity  weight  diet  physical activity  movement  adult brain tumor  physical  energy  4.24  balance 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento de los tumores del sistema nervioso central en adultos.

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Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention

prevention  foods  vegetables  risk  nutrition  cruciferous  diet  bladder cancer  4.31  arugula  bok choy  Brassica  broccoli  brussels sprouts  cabbage  carotenoids  cauliflower  collards  glucosinolates  greens 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies about cruciferous vegetables and cancer. Includes a list of cruciferous vegetables and dietary recommendations.

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Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

prevention  bones  foods  risk  skin  nutrition  colorectal  pancreatic  prostate  supplements  diet  Pancreas  Calcium  adult soft tissue sarcoma  4.29  osteomalacia  rickets  sun  sunlight  supplementation 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies on vitamin D and cancer prevention. It includes information about dietary recommendations for vitamin D.

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Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

training  exercise  recovery  nutrition  diet  Protein  coenzyme Q10  antioxidant  Fluids  performance  Sports  iron  Vitamin E  Endurance  Strength  strength training  vitamin C  adulterant  athlete  beta-alanine 

Find out what dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance are, what they do in your body, and about exercise and athletic performance supplements.

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Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance: Fact Sheet for Consumers

training  exercise  recovery  nutrition  diet  Protein  coenzyme Q10  antioxidant  Fluids  performance improvement  performance  Sports  iron  Endurance  strength training  vitamin C  adulterant  athlete  beta-alanine  beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate 

Find out what dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance are, what they do in your body, and about exercise and athletic performance supplements.

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Healthy eating and women

diet  healthy eating  Women’s health  calories  healthy foods  Fiber  nutritional needs  low-fat  low-carb  omega-3 fatty acids 

Choosing healthy foods and drinks more often can help women prevent or manage many health problems.

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Eating & Nutrition for Hemodialysis

sodium  nutrition  diet  Protein  Kidney Disease  potassium  Fluids  Kidneys  Meal Planning  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  Self-care  Caloric Intake  Phosphorus  Dietitians 

Explains in an easy-to-read format how food affects hemodialysis patients and describes the role of fluids, potassium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, calories, and vitamins and minerals.

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