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La biografía de Sharon - La historia de Sharon - Historias de la vida real - Consejos de exfumadores

cancer  CDC  tabaco  tabaquismo  Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades  cigarrillos  OSH  dejar de fumar  Consejos de exfumadores  Oficina de Tabaquismo y Salud  humo de segunda mano  pulmonar  la campaña Tips  Sharon 

A Sharon le diagnosticaron cáncer de garganta en estadio IV y se sometió a radiación y varias cirugías. Su historia completa es parte de la campaña de los CDC Consejos de exfumadores.

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Sharon's Videos - Videos - Campaign Resources - Tips From Former Smokers - Smoking & Tobacco Use

ads  videos  quitting  smoking  CDC  stop smoking  quit smoking  Stoma  dangers of smoking  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  commercial  effects of smoking  ad  Tips From Former Smokers  Tips from a Former Smoker  tips campaign  former smoker  cold turkey  Office on Smoking and Health  OSH 

Commercials and extended videos featuring Sharon, a former smoker who was diagnosed with throat cancer in her thirties. Videos from the Tips from Former Smokers campaign, which features real people suffering as a result of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

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