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Valley Fever: Working Toward a Solution | CDC Features

coccidioidomycosis  CDC Features  valley fever 

Increasing public awareness about the fungal illness Coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) brings key health leaders to Bakersfield, California.

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Valley Fever Awareness | CDC Features

coccidioidomycosis  coccidioides  CDC Features  valley fever  cocci 

Most fungi are harmless, but some types can make you sick. Coccidioidomycosis, also called valley fever, is an illness caused by a fungus that is common in some parts of the United States. Here’s what you need to know about valley fever.

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Coccidioidomycosis Among Cast and Crew Members at an OutdoorTelevision Filming Event - California, 2012

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Jason A. Wilken, PhD1,2, Patricia Marquez, MPH3, Dawn Terashita, MD3, Jennifer McNary, MPH1, Gayle Windham, PhD1, Barbara Materna, PhD1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Valley Fever: Working Toward a Solution | CDC Features

fever  features  CDC  toward  valley  solution  coccidioidomycosis  CDC Features  valley fever 

Increasing public awareness about the fungal illness Coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) brings key health leaders to Bakersfield, California.

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