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Vaccines: Meningococcal Vaccination

meningococcal  Meningococcal Vaccine  Meningococcal Disease 

Meningococcal vaccine info for parents, public, and healthcare professionals

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Vaccines: VPD-VAC/VPD menu page

flu  shingles  pertussis  influenza  measles  tetanus  rubella  lyme  diseases  mumps  hepatitis b  chickenpox  rotavirus  varicella  hib  meningococcal  polio  menu  pneumonia  lyme disease 

Vaccines and Preventable Diseases menu page

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Meningococcal | Prevention | CDC

meningococcal  meningococcal prevention  preventing meningococcal  vaccination for preventing meningococcal  antibiotics for preventing prophylaxis 

Bacterial meningococcal can be treated with a number of effective antibiotics

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Meningococcal | Home | CDC

meningococcal  meningococcal home page  meningococcal main page  meningococcal signs and symptoms  meningococcal vaccination  meningococcal information for clinicians 

Meningococcal disease can refer to any illness that is caused by Neisseria meningitidis, also known as meningococcus bacteria.

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Meningococcal | Laboratory Information | CDC

meningococcal  bacterial meningococcal  meningococcal in lab  meningococcal in laboratory  meningococcal reference lab  meningococcal pathogens  neisseria meningitidis pathogen  haemophilus influenza pathogen  meningococcal protocols  Pathogens Studied at the CDC meningococcal Laboratory 

The CDC meningococcal Laboratory provides laboratory support for U.S. active population based surveillance for an overall population base of more than 30 million people for Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae.

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Meningococcal | Age as a Risk Factor | CDC

meningococcal  preteens and meningococcal  adolescents and meningococcal  infants and meningococcal 

As children reach their preteen and adolescent years, protection provided by some childhood vaccines can begin to wear off. As a result, pre-teens and adolescents are at a greater risk for catching certain diseases.

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Meningococcal | Photos | CDC

meningococcal  photos of meningococcal  images of meningococcal  photos of meningococcal disease  photos of people affected by meningococcal 

Meningococcal Photos - WARNING: Some of these photos might be unsuitable for children. Viewing discretion is advised.

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Meningococcal - Community Settings Risk Factors | CDC

meningococcal  bacterial meningococcal  meningococcal in college students  college students and meningococcal  meningococcal at colleges  young adults and meningococcal 

College freshmen, especially those who live in dormitories, are at a slightly increased risk for bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis bacteria (meningococcal disease) compared with other persons of the same age.

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Meningococcal | Travel as a Risk Factor | CDC

meningococcal  travel and meningococcal  traveling and meningococcal 

Vaccination against meningococcal disease is not a requirement for travel to any country except Saudi Arabia.

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Meningococcal | Multimedia | CDC

meningococcal  meningococcal podcasts  meningococcal videos  meningococcal print materials  meningococcal web features  meningococcal e-Cards 

List of all feature stories (articles of interest to health consumers searching the internet), podcasts, electronic cards, videos, and posters related to meningococcal.

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