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References on Voice, Speech, and Language (VSL) Epidemiology

language  language disorder  speech disorder  Speech  Voice disorders  Voice 

PubMed references on Voice, Speech, and Language (VSL) Epidemiology

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What the Numbers Mean: An Epidemiological Perspective on Voice, Speech, and Language

language  language disorder  speech disorder  Speech  Voice disorders  Voice 

Voice (or vocalization) is generated by airflow from the lungs as the vocal folds in the larynx are brought close together. Speech is the precisely coordinated muscle actions of the tongue, lips, jaw, and vocal tract (or speech articulators), which together shape air flow to produce the sounds of one's language.Language is a shared system for communicating and exchanging knowledge, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.

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Charts and Tables for Voice, Speech, and Language

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Charts and Tables for Voice, Speech, and Language

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Quick Statistics About Voice, Speech, Language

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Quick Statistics About Voice, Speech, Language

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Taking Care of Your Voice Infographic (Spanish)

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¿Sabía usted? Se calcula que 17.9 millones de adultos en los Estados Unidos informaron tener problemas con su voz. Muchas personas usan sus voces para su trabajo. Los cantantes, maestros, operadores de telemercadeo, abogados, periodistas de televisión, vendedores y oradores son los que corren más riesgo de tener lesiones de la voz.

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Celebrate World Voice Day Infographic


Did you know? An estimated 17.9 million adults in the U.S. report problems with their voice. Many people use their voices for their work. Singers, teachers, telemarketers, lawyers, broadcast journalists, sales people, and public speakers are those at greatest risk for voice injury.

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Taking Care of Your Voice Infographic


Did you know? An estimated 17.9 million adults in the U.S. report problems with their voice. Many people use their voices for their work. Singers, teachers, telemarketers, lawyers, broadcast journalists, sales people, and public speakers are those at greatest risk for voice injury.

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Nearly 1 in 12 Children Ages 3–17 Has a Disorder Related to Voice, Speech, Language, or Swallowing

hearing disability  language  Speech  Voice  swallowing 

A communication disorder includes a child's voice that is too weak, hoarse, or strained; how a child speaks; problems making speech sounds or stuttering; or problems with how a child learns and understands words or sentences. A swallowing disorder means that a child has trouble swallowing food or liquids for at least 1 week.

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What Is Voice? What Is Speech? What Is Language?

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Voice (or vocalization) is the sound produced by humans and other vertebrates using the lungs and the vocal folds in the larynx, or voice box.

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