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Liver (Hepatocellular) Cancer Screening (PDQ®)–Patient Version

depression  suicide  disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer  end-of-life treatment/management 

Liver (hepatocellular) cancer screening is not currently recommended as a routine part of cancer screening. Not all screening tests are helpful, and many have risks. Learn more about liver cancer and the tests used to detect it in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Planning for Advanced Cancer

disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Find out what issues need to be addressed when dealing with an advanced or metastatic cancer diagnosis. Completing advance directives, looking at health insurance, organizing records and documents, and looking at the meanings in your life are some of the things to think about.

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Prevención del cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular) (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

cancer prevention  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre factores que influirían en el riesgo de presentar cáncer hepatocelular y sobre las investigaciones dirigidas a la prevención de esta enfermedad.

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Exámenes de detección del cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular) (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre pruebas que se usan para detectar el cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular).

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Exámenes de detección del cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular) (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre pruebas que se usan para detectar el cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular).

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Prevención del cáncer de hígado (hepatocelular) (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

cancer prevention  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Sumario de información revisada por expertos sobre factores que pueden influir en el riesgo de presentar cáncer hepatocelular y sobre las investigaciones dirigidas a prevenir esta enfermedad.

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Childhood Salivary Gland Tumors Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer  childhood salivary gland tumors 

Treatment for children with salivary gland tumors is surgical removal whenever possible, with additional use of radiation therapy in certain cases. Get detailed information about the treatment of childhood salivary gland tumors this summary for clinicians.

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Liver (Hepatocellular) Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Patient Version

cancer prevention  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Liver cancer risk factors include hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, and aflatoxin (poison from certain foods). Learn about these and other risk factors for liver cancer and how to prevent liver cancer in this expert-reviewed and evidence-based summary.

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Liver (Hepatocellular) Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer prevention  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Liver (hepatocellular) cancer prevention strategies include avoiding risk factors and vaccinating against hepatitis B. Risk factors include hepatitis B and C infection, cirrhosis, and aflatoxin. Get detailed information about risk factors and preventing liver cancer in this clinician summary.

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Liver (Hepatocellular) Cancer Screening (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  screening  version  professional  liver  hepatocellular  disease screening  liver and intrahepatic biliary tract cancer 

Liver (hepatocellular) cancer screening, even in high risk individuals, has not been shown to be beneficial. Get detailed information about liver cancer screening, potential screening modalities, and research directions in this summary for clinicians.

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