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Tea and Cancer Prevention

prevention  china  preventive  antioxidants  tea  disease screening  Lung cancer  oolong  oxidation  polyphenols  white  catechin  black  green  4.27 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies about tea and cancer prevention. Includes information about the ingredients of tea and safety considerations regarding tea consumption.

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Tensión postraumática relacionada con el cáncer (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

prevention  china  preventive  antioxidants  tea  post-traumatic stress disorder  oolong  oxidation  polyphenols  white  catechin  black  green  4.27 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca de la tensión postraumática y síntomas relacionados en los pacientes con cáncer, sobrevivientes del cáncer y miembros de la familia. Se discuten la evaluación y tratamiento de estos síntomas.

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#DoingIt | Campaigns | Act Against AIDS

prevention  HIV  AIDS  awareness  CDC  testing  gay  campaign  incidence  black  african american  woman  latinos  Hispanics  act against aids  doing it  man 

Doing It is a social marketing campaign designed to motivate all adults to get tested for HIV and know their status. The campaign drives home the message that HIV testing is a normal part of life and everyone is doing it

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National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day | CDC Features

prevention  HIV  AIDS  women  CDC  latino  black  CDC Features  african american  NBHAAD 

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) is March 10. Learn how HIV affects women and girls in the United States and how women can protect themselves.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | A Cancer Center™s Approach to Engaging African American Men About Cancer: The Men™s Fellowship Breakfast, Southeastern Michigan, 2008"2014 - CDC

cancer  michigan  CDC  men  men's health  black  african american  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD 

Despite disproportionate rates of cancer morbidity and mortality among African American men, few community-based efforts have been developed and sustained to educate African American men about cancer. The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center implemented a series of breakfasts to improve cancer awareness, screening, and education among African American men. This article describes the rationale for and history of the community intervention.

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Malignant Melanoma in Non-Hispanic Black Patients

cancer  research  CDC  melanoma  malignant  black  african american  article  summary 

This study describes where malignant melanoma is found most often among non-Hispanic black patients, which may help doctors find this deadly cancer earlier.

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Minority Health Home Page

education  prevention  health  training  public health  news  disease  people  events  center  images  programs  CDC  control  partnerships  disparities  equity  history  populations  month 

The Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) Mission: Advance health equity and women’s health issues across the nation through CDC’s science and programs, and increase CDC’s capacity to leverage its diverse workforce and engage stakeholders toward this end.

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Tea and Cancer Prevention

cancer  prevention  china  evidence  preventive  antioxidants  tea  strengths  limits  oolong  oxidation  polyphenols  white  catechin  black  green  4.27 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies about tea and cancer prevention. Includes information about the ingredients of tea and safety considerations regarding tea consumption.

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National Black HIV/AIDS | CDC Features

prevention  features  HIV  AIDS  HIVAIDS  day  awareness  CDC  national  black  CDC Features  african american  NBHAAD 

February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD). The theme for NBHAAD, I Am My Brother’s and Sister's Keeper: Fight HIV/AIDS, emphasizes the role that everyone can play in HIV prevention.

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