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LGBT Youth | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health

teens  health  resources  LGBT  gay  bisexual  sex  health disparities  Lesbian  transgender  lgbt youth  bullying and youth  youth suicide 

Learn more about the unique circumstances of LGBT youth

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About LGBT Health | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health

youth  resources  statistics  LGBT  gay  bisexual  sex  health disparities  Lesbian  about lgbt health  transgender  sucide 

Information and resources on some of the health issues and inequities affecting LGBT communities

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Lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales o transgénero (LGBT) - Para poblaciones específicas - Consejos de Exfumadores

LGBT  CDC  gay  bisexual  fumar  estadísticas  Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades  datos  OSH  dejar de fumar  efectos del tabaquismo  cesación del tabaquismo  comercial  anuncio  Consejos de exfumadores  Consejo de un exfumador  campaña Consejos  exfumador  dejar de fumar de golpe  peligros del cigarrillo 

Estadísticas relacionadas con el tabaquismo, información y recursos para dejar de fumar específicos para las comunidades de lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT). Parte de la campaña Consejos de exfumadores que muestra casos reales de personas que padecen afecciones por fumar o por la exposición al humo de segunda mano

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) - For Specific Groups - Tips From Former Smokers - Smoking & Tobacco Use

statistics  LGBT  quitting  smoking  CDC  data  gay  bisexual  stop smoking  quit smoking  dangers of smoking  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  commercial  effects of smoking  ad  Tips From Former Smokers  Tips from a Former Smoker  tips campaign  former smoker  cold turkey 

Smoking-related statistics, information, and quitting resources specific to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities. Part of the Tips from Former Smokers campaign, which features real people suffering as a result of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

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Bullying and LGBT Youth

youth  bullying  LGBT  stop bullying  lgbt bullying  bullying and lgbt  violence and lgbt 

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT) youth and those perceived as LGBT are at an increased risk of being bullied. Find strategies to help at StopBullying.gov.

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