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Chemical Weapons Elimination - Program Overview

chemical weapons elimination  overview of chemical weapons elimination  worker and public health  potential exposure to chemical agents  stockpiled agents  nerve agents  vesicant or blister agents  GA  tabun  GB  sarin  VX  H  HD  sulfur mustard  HT  lewisite  nonstockpiled agents  CDC actions to protect public health  closing U.S. chemical warfare agent disposal facilities 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides independent oversight to the U.S. chemical weapons elimination program and protects worker and public health from potential exposure to stockpiled and nonstockpiled chemical agents.

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Closing U.S. Chemical Warfare Agent Disposal Facilities

arkansas  kentucky  colorado  oregon  maryland  alabama  indiana  utah  chemical weapons elimination  closing U.S. chemical warfare agent disposal facilities  neutralization  incineration  Johnston Atoll  closure process  closure waste  land use after facilities are closed  public participation in closure  Chemical Materials Agency  Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives  closed 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides independent oversight to the U.S. chemical weapons elimination program. This page provides information on the closure process and land use after facility closure.

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