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Infection and Neutropenia during Cancer Treatment

prevention  signs  symptoms  infection  neutropenia  side effect cancer treatment 

Infection and neutropenia can be serious side effects during cancer treatment. Chemotherapy can increase your risk. Learn how to prevent infection during treatment. Find out what signs and symptoms to call the doctor about.

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HIV Infection and Cancer Risk

HIV  AIDS  virus  risk  immune  HPV  infection  human  immunodeficiency  kaposi  HBV  3.97  Antiretroviral  EBV  HAART  HHV-8  HCV  KSHV 

A fact sheet that describes the increased risk of certain types of cancer by people infected with HIV.

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Whipple Disease

bacteria  antibiotics  infection  patients  Digestive Diseases  Small Intestine  Digestive System Disease  Joint Pain  Neurological  Bacterial Infection  Whipples Disease  general public  Whipple Disease 

Describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Whipple disease.

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Treatment | Living with HIV | HIV Basics | HIV/AIDS | CDC

HIV  AIDS  vaccine  treatment  guidelines  CDC  infection  drugs  trials  hotlines  best practices 

Although there is no cure for HIV infection, there are treatment options that can help people living with HIV experience long and productive lives.

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Molluscum Contagiosum | Pox virus

resources  treatment  effects  infection  schools  work  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  references  Day Care Centers  lesions  sore  bumps  contagious  swimming pools  clinical information  molluscum contagiosum  poxvirus  mollusca 

Molluscum contagiosum is an infection caused by a poxvirus (molluscum contagiosum virus). The result of the infection is usually a benign, mild skin disease characterized by lesions (growths) that may appear anywhere on the body. Within 6-12 months, Molluscum contagiosum typically resolves without scarring but may take as long as 4 years.

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Wash Your Hands | Features | CDC

illness  healthy  infection  clean  water  hygiene  CDC Features  handwashing  soap  hand sanitizer  wash hands  alcohol-based sanitizer  sick 

Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick.

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Avoid Dengue by Preventing Mosquito Bites | Features | CDC

infection  dengue  mosquito  CDC Features  mosquitoes  mosquito bites  repellent 

Dengue is a virus spread by mosquito bites. If you live in or travel to a tropical or sub-tropical area, protect yourself by preventing mosquito bites.

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Information About Preventing Infections for Cancer Patients and Caregivers

cancer  infection  patient  chemotherapy  caregiver 

Resources to help cancer patients avoid health care-associated infections while they are receiving chemotherapy.

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