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Myths & Misperceptions: Flu and Flu Vaccines

flu shot  nasal spray  misconceptions  flu vaccines  stomach flu  flu-like symptoms  late season vaccine 

Misconceptions about seasonal flu and flu vaccines - CDC

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FAQ: Flu Vaccines & Preventing Flu Illness

vaccine effectiveness  seasonal flu vaccine  nasal spray LAIV  misconceptions  preventing seasonal flu illness 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about flu vaccines and preventing flu illness - CDC

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Tetanus: Make Sure Your Family Is Protected | CDC Features

features  bacteria  myths  parents  CDC  immunity  child  immunized  tetanus  make  sure  death  CDC Features  misconceptions  lockjaw  muscles  spasm  toxin  puncture wounds  soil 

Make sure your family is up to date with their tetanus vaccine so they are protected against this serious infection commonly known as lockjaw. The bacteria that cause tetanus can be found everywhere in the environment.

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