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Companies Formed by PIs of the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer

The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer has continued to translate solutions from the bench to products. Find out the companies that have been formed by Alliance funded research.

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Family Caregivers in Cancer (PDQ®)–Patient Version

pancreatic cancer  caregiver-related intervention or procedure 

Family caregivers help many cancer patients receive part of their care at home and have an important role in the patient's health and quality of life. Learn more about caregiver roles, concerns, and challenges in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Previous NCI Alliance Grantees

The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer has funded a multitude of research and training grants since 2005. Find here a list of all of these high impact projects.

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Exposición al asbesto y el riesgo de cáncer

fumar  ambiental  carcinogenesis  OSHA  3.21s  asbesto  mesotelioma  Oficio 

Hoja informativa sobre el asbesto, sobre las enfermedades relacionadas con el asbesto e incluye organizaciones para obtener más información.

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Accidentes en plantas nucleares de electricidad y el riesgo de cáncer

nuclear  riesgo  3.98s  accidente  atómico  Cs-137  cesio  Chernóbil  contaminación  medio ambiente  exposición  yoduro  I-131  yodo  ionizante  isótopo  KI  Japón  potasio  radiación 

Hoja informativa acerca de los riesgos del cáncer asociados con accidentes en plantas nucleares de electricidad. Incluye información para pacientes con cáncer que viven en una zona que puede haber sido afectada por un accidente en una planta nuclear.

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Stanford University — Cancer Translational Nanotechnology Training Program

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

The focus of the Stanford University Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center is presented here.

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Northwestern University — Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program

blood pressure  hypotension 

The focus of the Northwestern University Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center is presented here.

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University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill — Carolina Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program

sleep  sleep disorders 

The focus of the University of North Carolina Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center is presented here.

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Cancer Clinical Trials at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

research  treatment  center  clinical  nih  studies  trials  informed consent  1.22  Magnuson  Hatfield  CCR  eligibility criteria  second opinion 

Information about cancer clinical trials at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

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Structural Genomics Research

NCI's Center for Cancer Genomics uses structural cancer genomics to identify genomic alterations that contribute to cancer growth, metastasis, and recurrence.

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