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Accidentes en plantas nucleares de electricidad y el riesgo de cáncer

nuclear  riesgo  3.98s  accidente  atómico  Cs-137  cesio  Chernóbil  contaminación  medio ambiente  exposición  yoduro  I-131  yodo  ionizante  isótopo  KI  Japón  potasio  radiación 

Hoja informativa acerca de los riesgos del cáncer asociados con accidentes en plantas nucleares de electricidad. Incluye información para pacientes con cáncer que viven en una zona que puede haber sido afectada por un accidente en una planta nuclear.

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Stanford University — Cancer Translational Nanotechnology Training Program

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

The focus of the Stanford University Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center is presented here.

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LAM - Living With

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

With earlier diagnosis and newer treatment, patients with LAM are living longer, with some living more than 20 years after diagnosis. Your doctor will monitor your condition to see if it is stable or getting worse and causing serious complications. Also, your doctor may recommend other medical care, including vaccines, lifestyle changes, and pregnancy and birth control planning.

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LAM - Treatment

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

While there is no cure for LAM, doctors treat LAM with sirolimus (rapamycin), a medicine that stabilizes lung function, treats an abnormal fluid buildup in the lung called chylothorax, and improves overall quality of life. They may also prescribe other medicines or therapies to control other symptoms or complications.

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LAM - Diagnosis

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

LAM is diagnosed based on your medical history and the results from diagnostic lung function tests, imaging tests such as high-resolution CT scans, VEGF-D blood tests, or other procedures.

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LAM - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia can be mild or severe and may include lung cysts, increased VEGF-D levels, reduced lung function, reduced, oxygen levels in the blood, chest pain or aches, fatigue, frequent cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Possible complications may include tumors in the kidneys, blood in the urine, enlarged lymph nodes, pleural effusions, pneumothorax or collapsed lung, and swelling.

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LAM - Risk Factors

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

LAM is a rare disease that mostly affects women of childbearing age.

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LAM - Causes

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis  sirolimus  pneumothorax  lung disease in women 

Researchers do not know the exact cause of LAM or why it mainly affects women, but they believe genes and the female hormone estrogen play a role.

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