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Consejos: Cómo apoyar a un ser querido cuando tiene que ir al doctor

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

Las consultas con el doctor pueden ser estresantes, especialmente cuando se deben a una enfermedad grave o crónica (duradera). Si uno de tus seres queridos tiene que ir al doctor, sigue estos consejos para ayudarle antes, durante y después de la consulta.

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Preguntas para el doctor: La prueba de detección de la hepatitis C

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

La hepatitis C es una enfermedad grave del hígado causada por el virus de la hepatitis C o VHC. Por lo general, se contrae por contacto con la sangre de una persona que tiene la enfermedad.

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Preguntas para el doctor: Los medicamentos para prevenir el ataque al corazón o el derrame cerebral

healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics  Health tools 

Las estatinas son medicamentos que reducen el riesgo de sufrir un ataque al corazón o un derrame cerebral (ataque al cerebro o apoplejía) al disminuir o prevenir el colesterol alto.

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Talk with Your Doctor about Taking Aspirin to Prevent Disease

medicine  Health Topics  heart health  blood thinner  bayer  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Taking aspirin every day can lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, and colorectal cancer in some people age 50 to 59. Share this resource to encourage people to ask their doctors about taking aspirin.

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Protect Your Family from Lead

pregnancy  child safety  family health  Health Topics  child health  kid health  kid safety  safety injury prevention  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Share these steps to help people protect their families from lead. Children under age 6 and pregnant women are most at risk for problems related to coming into contact with lead.

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Get Screened for Cervical Cancer

screenings  women's health  cancer screening  Health Topics  womens health  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Most deaths from cervical cancer can be prevented if women get regular screening tests (called Pap tests). Share this resource to encourage women to get screened.

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Heart-Healthy Foods: Shopping list

heart disease  heart attack  healthy eating  Health Topics  diet change  getting healthy  list of heart healthy foods  heart-healthy foods  diet meal plan  heart healthy meal plan  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

What people eat can affect their heart health. Share these tips for heart-healthy eating.

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Losing Weight: Conversation starters

nutrition  diet  weight loss  Health Topics  Obesity Prevention  healthy food  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  take pounds off sensibly  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Talking to a family member or friend about losing weight can be hard. Share these tips to help people get the conversation started.

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Stay Active During Pregnancy: Quick tips

exercise  healthy pregnancy  Health Topics  children's health  prenatal health  newborn health  exercising while pregnant  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Regular physical activity during pregnancy can help women have a more comfortable pregnancy. It may also help reduce the risk of complications. Share these tips to help pregnant women stay active.

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Prostate Cancer Screening: Questions for the doctor

men's health  Health Topics  PSA test  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Even though prostate cancer is common, screening for it isn't recommended. Share this information to help people start a conversation with their doctors about prostate cancer.

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