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Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Selected Data Sources

pedestrian  walking  physical activity  transportation  sidewalks  destinations  active transportation choices  biking  bicycling  recreationl 

Healthy Places - Transportation and Health - Resources - Selected Data Sources

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Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Transportation and Health Impact Assessment

pedestrian  walking  physical activity  transportation  sidewalks  destinations  active transportation choices  biking  bicycling  recreationl 

Healthy Places - Transportation and Health - Resources - Transportation and Health Impact Assessment

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Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Transportation and Health Planning

pedestrian  walking  physical activity  transportation  sidewalks  destinations  active transportation choices  biking  bicycling  recreationl 

Healthy Places - Transportation and Health - Resources - Transportation and Health Planning

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Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Transportation and Health Policy and Practice

pedestrian  walking  physical activity  transportation  sidewalks  destinations  active transportation choices  biking  bicycling  recreationl 

Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Transportation and Health Policy and Practice

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Healthy Places - Transportation and Health Resources - Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

pedestrian  walking  physical activity  transportation  sidewalks  destinations  active transportation choices  biking  bicycling  recreationl 

Healthy Places - Transportation and Health - Resources - Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

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Pedestrian Traffic Deaths Among Residents, Visitors, andHomeless Persons - Clark County, Nevada, 2008-2011

nevada  among  persons  deaths  visitors  pedestrian  traffic  residents  andhomeless  clark 

Kaci L. Hickox, MSN, MPH1,2, Nancy Williams, MD2, Laurie F. Beck, MPH3, Tom Coleman, MD2, John Fudenberg4, Byron Robinson, PhD5, John Middaugh, MD2 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Pedestrian Safety | CDC Features

safety  CDC  injury  pedestrian  accidents  CDC Features  car crashes  motor vehicle 

Take steps to be safe when walking on roadways. This includes exercising caution at intersections and crosswalks and increasing your visibility at night by wearing retro-reflective clothing and carrying flashlights.

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