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Lab Quality Program Important to Newborn Screening | CDC Features

CDC Features  newborn screening 

Learn about one of the nation’s most successful public health programs for newborn screening – CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Lab Quality Program.

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Newborn Screening is Important for Your Baby | CDC Features

CDC Features  sickle cell disease  hearing screening  newborn screening  critical congenital heart defects  PKU  congenital hypothyroidism 

Soon after birth, babies born in the United States are checked for certain medical conditions. Learn why this newborn screening is important for your baby and why you should ask for your baby’s screening results.

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Impact for Newborn Screening for CCHD | NCBDDD

Birth Defects  heart defects  newborn screening  critical congenital heart defects  heart defects in children 

About 30% of newborns with a critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) were diagnosed more than three days after birth. This estimate varied based on the type of heart defect, ranging from about 8% for newborns with pulmonary atresia to 62% for those with coarctation of the aorta.

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Fragile X Syndrome and Associated Disorders | CDC Features

baby  CDC Features  Birth Defects  Genetic Disorders  intellectual disability  newborn screening  Rare disorders 

July 22 is Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Awareness Day. FXS is the most common known cause of inherited intellectual disability. How much do you know about FXS? Take our quiz to find out.

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