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How to Get Involved in Research

research  registry  clinical trials  clinical studies  disease registry  researchers  clinical specimens  Genetic Disorders  rare diseases  Rare disorders  Genetic Disease  biospecimen  biorepository 

Reports about clinical research study results are often in the news, but it can be difficult to find out about studies that are in progress. If you or a loved one has a rare condition, you may be interested in participating in a research study. This guide can help you find current research studies.

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Help with Travel Costs

cancer  children  travel  clinical trial  veterans  transportation  Genetic Disorders  rare diseases  Rare disorders  financial help  Genetic Disease  Financial Aid  lodging 

People who have a rare medical condition often need to travel to receive care at a special medical center or to take part in a research study. The following resources can help with travel and lodging costs. These organizations provide information about free or discounted land or air travel, specialized medical care during transport, and supportive lodging options.

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Tips for Finding Financial Aid

health costs  health insurance  reduce medical costs  dental costs  Genetic Disorders  rare diseases  medical costs  Rare disorders  financial help  Genetic Disease  Financial Aid 

The cost of care for rare medical conditions can place a significant financial burden on families. The following resources may help you find the financial support you need.

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Support for Patients and Families

support  registry  clinical trials  disease registry  advocacy  support groups  Genetic Disorders  non-profit/community and advocacy organizations  rare diseases  Rare disorders  Genetic Disease  Patient Advocacy  family support 

Individuals and families affected by rare medical conditions might look to nonprofit support and advocacy groups for different reasons. Some may want to find other people who understand how having the condition affects their lives. Others are searching for medical information, treatment options, the latest research, or financial aid resources. This guide will help you learn more about the different types of information and services offered by nonprofit support and advocacy groups.

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Tips for the Undiagnosed

diagnosis  genetics  clinical trials  Genetic Disorders  rare diseases  undiagnosed  Rare disorders  Genetic Disease 

Trying to find an underlying diagnosis for many conditions can be a very long and frustrating experience. With more rare conditions, a diagnosis can often take many years. Although this can be incredibly difficult, the following information may help you navigate through the process of trying to obtain a diagnosis.

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New Resources in Sickle Cell Trait Toolkit! | Features | CDC

CDC Features  toolkit  blood disorders  sickle cell  sickle cell trait  sickle cell disease  Genetic Disorders 

Did you know that 1.5% of babies born in the United States have Sickle Cell Trait (SCT). That’s almost 1 in every 50 babies! While people with SCT often lead normal lives with few health problems, it is important for people with SCT to be aware of their trait status and the risk of passing it on to their children. The Sickle Cell Trait Toolkit provides valuable information for people with SCT.

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Fragile X Syndrome and Associated Disorders | CDC Features

baby  CDC Features  Birth Defects  Genetic Disorders  intellectual disability  newborn screening  Rare disorders 

July 22 is Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Awareness Day. FXS is the most common known cause of inherited intellectual disability. How much do you know about FXS? Take our quiz to find out.

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