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Are You Up-To-Date? | CDC Features

flu  cancer  prevention  seniors  women  adults  vaccines  screenings  men  older adults  shots  pneumonia  immunizations  aging  Colonoscopy  Colon Cancer  mammogram  sigmoidoscopy  CDC Features  preventive services 

Older Americans can stay healthy by keeping up to date with their immunization.

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Need Childhood Vaccine Info? Find It Here | CDC Features

parents  vaccines  shots  immunizations  CDC Features  vaccine information  recommended vaccines  vaccine website  recommended shots 

Giving your child all the recommended immunizations is the best way to protect him from 16 serious diseases. Visit this website designed just for parents to learn about the vaccines that your child needs.

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NCIRD | Overview | Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases

diseases  respiratory  NCIRD  overview  immunizations 

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).

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