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Melanie’s Friends

friends  bullying  melanie  stop bullying  bullying prevention videos  webisodes 

Melanie wants to fit in, so she stops hanging out with her old friends and starts hanging out with the cool kids at school. She doesn’t stand up for her old friends when they get bullied. Watch the webisode at StopBullying.gov.

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KB and Melanie Partner Up

bullying  kb  melanie  partner  stop bullying  bullying prevention videos  webisodes 

Cassandra continues to tease KB during class and gets spoken to by the teacher. Mel and KB are assigned to be lab partners and become friends. Watch the webisode at StopBullying.gov.

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KB Withdraws, Melanie Gets Dissed

bullying  kb  melanie  withdraws  dissed  stop bullying  bullying prevention videos  webisodes 

KB wants to quit soccer because of what happened at tryouts. After she tells her mom, her mom recognizes the signs and realizes that KB must be getting bullied. Watch the webisode at StopBullying.gov.

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