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HIV Basics | Learn About HIV/AIDS | We Can Stop HIV One Conversation | Campaigns | Act Against AIDS

prevention  HIV  AIDS  partner  conversations  CDC  men  advice  testing  gay  bisexual  sex  infection  status  msm  act against aids  stop hiv  start talking  discussion 

Advice from other men on how to make HIV status conversations work. These are suggestions collected from gay and bisexual men.

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CDC Grand Rounds: A Public Health Approach to Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence

prevention  health  partner  CDC  public  rounds  approach  intimate  violence 

This is another in a series of occasional MMWR reports titled CDC Grand Rounds. These reports are based on grand rounds presentations at CDC on high-profile issues in public health science, practice, and policy. Information about CDC Grand Rounds is available at http://www.

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Flu Partner Success Stories: Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition (CIIC)

flu  childhood  partner  stories  immunization  influenza  partnerships  success  coalition  CIIC  success stories  Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition (CIIC) 

Partnership success stories, Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition (CIIC) - CDC

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KB and Melanie Partner Up

bullying  kb  melanie  partner  stop bullying  bullying prevention videos  webisodes 

Cassandra continues to tease KB during class and gets spoken to by the teacher. Mel and KB are assigned to be lab partners and become friends. Watch the webisode at StopBullying.gov.

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