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Flu Pledge

flu  antiviral  CDC  influenza  respiratory illness  swine flu  avian flu  influenza-like illness  influenza pandemic  influenza epidemic  flu vaccine  flu shot  antiviral medications  hemagglutinin  neuraminidase  antigenic shift  influenza A  influenza B  antigenic drift  oseltamivir 

Everything you need to know about the flu illness, including symptoms, treatment and prevention.

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CDC Collaborative Study: Improved Global Capacity for Influenza Surveillance

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A study by CDC authors published today in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases found that CDC’s international capacity-building efforts over a 10-year period (2004-2013) have led to substantial improvements in foreign countries’ ability to conduct influenza surveillance and detect emerging virologic threats.

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Flu and You

flu  antiviral  CDC  influenza  respiratory illness  swine flu  avian flu  influenza-like illness  influenza pandemic  influenza epidemic  flu vaccine  flu shot  antiviral medications  hemagglutinin  neuraminidase  antigenic shift  influenza A  influenza B  antigenic drift  oseltamivir 

Everything you need to know about the flu illness, including symptoms, treatment and prevention.

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Antiviral Drugs for Seasonal Flu: Additional Links and Resources

antiviral drugs  antiviral medications  antivirals  tamiflu  oseltamivir  zanamivir  relenza  peramivir  adamantanes  amantadine  rimantadine  rapidvab 

Antiviral Drugs for Seasonal Influenza: Additional Links and Resources - CDC

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Antiviral Drug Resistance Among Influenza Viruses

flu  ACIP  influenza  drug resistance  flu viruses  antiviral drugs  oseltamivir  zanamivir  amantadine  rimantadine  neuraminidase inhibitors  adamantane resistance 

Current information about antiviral drug resistance among influenza viruses from the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Influenza Antivirals Dosage

flu  children  seniors  adults  influenza  Liver Disease  antiviral drugs  oseltamivir  zanamivir  amantadine  rimantadine  antiviral dosage  pregnant women  elderly  treatment duration  renal function  immunosuppression  seizure disorders 

Influenza antiviral drug dosage recommendations by age group, intended use (chemoprophylaxis or treatment), and medical conditions from the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Influenza Antivirals Adverse Events

flu  adverse events  ACIP  influenza  side effects  antiviral drugs  oseltamivir  zanamivir  amantadine  rimantadine  MedWatch 

When considering use of influenza antiviral medications, clinicians must consider many factors such as age, weight, renal function, other medical conditions, indications for use, and potential for interaction with other medication - CDC

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