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Aprende primeros auxilios

aging  caregiving  senior citizen  elderly  older adult health  elderly caregiving  old  senior health  preventing falls  prevent falls  prevent accidents  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

It's never too late to make healthy changes like getting active and eating better. Share these steps to help people stay healthy and independent as they get older.

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Get Your Medicare Wellness Visit Every Year

aging  caregiving  Health Topics  senior citizen  elderly  older adult health  elderly caregiving  old  health risk assessment  healthfinder  ODPHP 

People on Medicare can schedule a yearly wellness visit to help them stay healthy. Share this resource to remind people on Medicare to get their yearly wellness visit.

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Get Support If You Are a Caregiver

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People who take care of loved ones need time to take care of themselves, too. Share this resource to help caregivers get the support they need.

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Protect Your Health As You Grow Older

aging  caregiving  Health Topics  senior citizen  elderly  older adult health  elderly caregiving  old  senior health  preventing falls  prevent falls  prevent accidents  healthfinder  ODPHP 

It's never too late to make healthy changes like getting active and eating better. Share these steps to help people stay healthy and independent as they get older.

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Lower Your Risk of Falling

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Share these steps to help older adults prevent falls.

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Oral Health for Older Adults: Quick tips

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People can prevent mouth problems like toothaches, cavities, and tooth loss by taking care of their teeth and gums. Share this resource to help older adults protect their oral health.

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Preventing Falls: Conversation starters

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Share these tips to help people talk to their loved ones about preventing falls.

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Stay Active As You Get Older: Quick tips

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Share these tips to help people stay active and healthy as they get older.

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September is World Alzheimer's Month | CDC Features

prevention  disease  seniors  adults  caregivers  healthy  depression  older adults  brain  dementia  mental health  aging  CDC Features  Memory  elderly  healthy aging  Alzheimer's  memory loss  healthy brain initiative  cognitive decline 

When is memory loss more than forgetfulness? Learn more about Alzheimer's disease.

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Flu Season Continues; Seniors Hit Hard

symptoms  vaccination  seniors  influenza  flu season  elderly  65 years and older 

Flu Season Continues; Seniors Hit Hard. CDC Urges People 65 and Older to Seek Treatment for Flu Symptoms Promptly.

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