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Genomics & Health Weekly Impact Update

cancer  prevention  science  public health  news  information  events  environment  CDC  obesity  genomics  genetics  Centers for Disease Control  family history  genetic testing  Office of Public Health Genomics  OPHG  Center for Disease Control  weekly update  HuGENet 

The mission of CDC's Public Health Genomics is to integrate advances in human genetics into public health research, policy, and programs

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Bring Your Brave Campaign - General "Take Action"

cancer  prevention  risk  CDC  test999  ovarian  breastfeeding  breast cancer  family history  genetic counseling  genetic testing  young women  Healthy Weight  Bring Your Brave  inherited risk  gene mutation  inherited mutations 

Knowing your cancer risk and being proactive about your health may help you take steps to lower your risk for getting breast or ovarian cancer, or find it at an early stage.

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Does Heart Disease Run in Your Family? | CDC Features

CDC  genomics  heart disease  CDC Features  family history 

Tell your doctor if you have a family health history of heart disease.

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Gather and Share Your Family Health History | CDC Features

holiday  genomics  CDC Features  family history  health history  gathering  collecting 

Has your mother or sister had breast cancer? Does your mother, father, sister, or brother have diabetes? Did your mother, father, brother, or sister have colorectal (colon) cancer before age 50? If you answered “yes,” you are more likely to get the same disease as your parent or sibling and should consider earlier screening. Talk to your doctor about when to start screening and what other steps to take to prevent the disease or find it early. Finding disease early can often mean better health in the long run.

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No Excuses (:30)

symptoms  polyps  Colorectal Cancer  Colonoscopy  Colon Cancer  family history  Screen for Life  ancer prevention 

This public service announcement addresses common excuses and misconceptions that lead people to delay or avoid getting screened for colorectal cancer.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Strategies, Actions, and Outcomes of Pilot State Programs in Public Health Genomics, 2003"2008 - CDC

education  oregon  minnesota  michigan  utah  CDC  genomics  genetics  family history  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Public Health Practice  Health Policy  genetic predisposition to disease  public health surveillance 

State health departments in Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, and Utah explored the use of genomic information, including family health history, in chronic disease prevention programs. To support these explorations, the Office of Public Health Genomics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided cooperative agreement funds from 2003 through 2008. The 4 states’ chronic disease programs identified advocates, formed partnerships, and assessed public data; they integrated genomics into existing state plans for genetics and chronic disease prevention; they developed projects focused on prevention of asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions; and they created educational curricula and materials for health workers, policymakers, and the public. Each state’s program was different because of the need to adapt to existing culture, infrastructure, and resources, yet all were able to enhance their chronic disease prevention programs with the use of family health history, a low-tech “genomic tool.” Additional states are drawing on the experience of these 4 states to develop their own approaches.

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Lung Cancer Risk Factors

cancer  secondhand  smoking  lung  substances  diet  Risk Factors  family history  basic information  radon gas  carcinogens 

Research has found several risk factors that may increase your chances of getting lung cancer.

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Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

cancer  prostate  Risk Factors  family history 

Research has found risk factors that increase your chances of getting prostate cancer.

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Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors

cancer  CDC  colorectal  colon  inflammatory  diet  physical activity  Risk Factors  family history  basic information  bowel  FAP  Lynch syndrome  lifestyle factors 

Your risk of getting colorectal cancer increases as you get older.

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Stroke Awareness

prevention  science  public health  information  diabetes  environment  CDC  stroke  genomics  genetics  heart disease  high blood pressure  Risk Factors  Centers for Disease Control  family history  family health history  cigarette smoking  NOPHG  National Office of Public Health Genomics 

The mission of the CDC's Office of Public Health Genomics is to integrate advances in human genetics into public health research, policy, and programs

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