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What People Who Raise Pigs Need To Know About Influenza (Flu)

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What People Who Raise Pigs Need To Know About Influenza (Flu) - CDC

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Protect Your Family from Rabies | CDC Features

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Rabies is a dangerous virus that anyone can get if they handle or get bitten by an animal that has the disease. Protect yourself and your family from rabies: stay away from wild animals and be sure pets are vaccinated every year.

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Healthy Pets Healthy People | CDC Features

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There are many positive benefits of owning a pet; however, it's important to know that some animals may carry germs that can be spread to people and cause illness.

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Kids and Rabies | CDC Features

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Knowing How to Prevent Rabies isn't Just for Adults. Kids Can Get the Facts Too. Rabies is a dangerous virus that is found in the saliva of animals. It can infect and kill animals and humans. Every 10 minutes, someone dies from rabies. Even though anyone can get rabies, more than half of the people who get rabies are kids under the age of 15.

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