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Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants and Cancer Risk

risk  environment  exposure  contamination  radiation  thyroid  nuclear  3.98  accident  atomic  cesium  Chernobyl  Chornobyl  Cs-137  iodide  iodine  ionizing  isotope  I-131  Japan 

A fact sheet about cancer risks associated with accidents at nuclear power plants.

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Cell Phones and Cancer Risk

risk  exposure  cell  environmental  brain  mobile  radiation  phones  evaluation of evidence  Levels of Evidence  cellular  3.72  Electromagnetic  EMF  Radiofrequency 

A fact sheet that outlines the available evidence regarding use of cellular/mobile telephones and cancer risk.

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Tratamiento de los tumores de ovario de bajo potencial maligno (PDQ®)–Versión para pacientes

cancer  power  risk  environment  exposure  contamination  radiation  thyroid  accidents  nuclear  plants  borderline ovarian surface epithelial-stromal tumor  3.98  accident  atomic  cesium  Chernobyl  Chornobyl  Cs-137  iodide 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento de los tumores de ovario de bajo potencial maligno.

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Fatiga (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

risk  exposure  cell  environmental  brain  fatigue  mobile  radiation  phones  cellular  3.72  Electromagnetic  EMF  Radiofrequency 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca de la fatiga, una afección caracterizada por extremo cansancio e incapacidad para funcionar por la falta de energía, que a menudo se observa como una complicación del cáncer y su tratamiento.

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Flame Retardants

health effects  chemicals  health  research  science  environment  exposure  flame retardants  PBDE's  TBBPA  HBCD  OPFR's 

Flame retardants are chemicals that are added or applied to materials in order to slow or prevent the start/growth of fire. They have been used in many consumer and industrial products since the 1970s, to decrease the ability of materials to ignite.

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Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

health  science  exposure  Perfluorinated Chemicals  PFCs  envionment  manufactured compounds 

Many of us have probably seen news stories about something commonly referred to as PFCs or perfluorochemicals. You may not know exactly what they are, but can probably guess that they have something to do with the environment and your health. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency testing program headquartered at NIEHS, are studying many of these compounds.

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Skin Cancer Prevention

cancer  risk  CDC  skin  exposure  protection  sun  ultraviolet  reduction  UV  tan  sun protection factor  SPF 

Easy ways to protect yourself from UV rays and reduce your risk of skin cancer.

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Sun Safety

cancer  risk  CDC  skin  exposure  protection  sun  ultraviolet  reduction  UV  tan  sun protection factor  SPF 

The sun's ultraviolet rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes. Follow these recommendations to help protect yourself and your family.

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Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever (Marburg HF) | CDC

prevention  resources  signs  symptoms  treatment  exposure  transmission  diagnosis  references  Risk of Exposure  marburg  Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever (Marburg HF)  Marburg HF  marburg fever 

Marburg hemorrhagic fever (Marburg HF) is a rare but severe hemorrhagic fever which affects both humans and non-human primates.

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