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Vaccines: VPD-VAC/VPD menu page

flu  shingles  pertussis  influenza  measles  tetanus  rubella  lyme  diseases  mumps  hepatitis b  chickenpox  rotavirus  varicella  hib  meningococcal  polio  menu  pneumonia  lyme disease 

Vaccines and Preventable Diseases menu page

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Drinking Water Week 2010: "Only Tap Water Delivers"

toxins  contaminants  contamination  water  infrastructure  EPA  Drinking Water  CDC Features  chlorine  typhoid  cholera  Water Treatment  fluoridation  community water  disinfection  tap water  chlorination  Clean Water Act  climate change  consumer confidence report (CCR) 

Water is the foundation for life. Learn more about the tap water you use every day and why investing in our public water systems is essential to the future of safe drinking water.

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Vaccines: Typhoid Fever Vaccination

Typhoid Vaccine  typhoid fever  typhoid  typhoid disease  Salmonella Typhosous  Salmonella Typhi 

Typhoid Fever vaccine info for parents, public, and healthcare professionals

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Drinking Water Week 2012: Celebrate the Essential - Healthy Water

toxins  contaminants  week  celebrate  drinking  contamination  water  infrastructure  EPA  Drinking Water  CDC Features  chlorine  typhoid  cholera  Water Treatment  fluoridation  community water  disinfection  tap water  chlorination 

Water is the foundation for life. Learn more about the vital role safe water plays in our lives and what CDC is doing to address challenges to our water supply.

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