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Legal Regulation of Sodium Consumption to Reduce Chronic Conditions

law  public health  CDC  dietary  sodium  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  Policy Making  public policy  food industry 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Feasibility of Workplace Health Promotion for Restaurant Workers, Seattle, 2012

public health  vaccination  tobacco  smoking  CDC  influenza  human  chronic disease  workplace  health promotion  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  occupational health  focus groups  food industry  Employer Health Costs 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Prevalence of Partially Hydrogenated Oils in US Packaged Foods, 2012 - CDC

government  CDC  cardiovascular disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  nutrition policy  food industry  Food Analysis 

Although there is evidence that consumption of trans fat has declined in the United States, limited documentation exists on current levels of industrial trans fat in foods. We estimated the prevalence of partially hydrogenated oils in 4,340 top-selling US packaged foods. Nine percent of products in the sample contained partially hydrogenated oils; 84% of these products listed “0 grams” of trans fat per serving, potentially leading consumers to underestimate their trans fat consumption. Government efforts to eliminate partially hydrogenated oils from packaged foods will substantially reduce exposure to this known cardiovascular disease risk factor.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Stakeholders™ Interest in and Challenges to Implementing Farm-to-School Programs, Douglas County, Nebraska, 2010"2011 - CDC

students  vegetables  lunch  CDC  schools  obesity  fruit  overweight  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  food services  food industry  agriculture 

Schools are uniquely positioned to influence the dietary habits of children, and farm-to-school programs can increase fruit and vegetable consumption among school-aged children. We assessed the feasibility of, interest in, and barriers to implementing farm-to-school activities in 7 school districts in Douglas County, Nebraska.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Consistency of Nutrition Recommendations for Foods Marketed to Children in the United States, 2009"2010 - CDC

children  CDC  obesity  overweight  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  advertisements  nutrition policy  food industry  government agencies  energy intake  food and beverages 

Food marketing has emerged as an environmental factor that shapes children’s dietary behaviors. “Advergames,” or free online games designed to promote branded products, are an example of evolving food marketing tactics aimed at children.

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