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Saca el mayor provecho de las consultas de tu hijo con el doctor (de los 15 a los 17 aƱos)

safety  poisoning  poison  injury prevention  child safety  drowning  car seats  child health  car seat  kid health  kid safety  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

Children are at high risk for injuries. Share these simple safety steps to help parents prevent injuries.

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Protect Your Child from Injury

safety  poisoning  poison  injury prevention  child safety  drowning  Health Topics  car seats  child health  car seat  kid health  kid safety  healthfinder  ODPHP 

Children are at high risk for injuries. Share these simple safety steps to help parents prevent injuries.

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Child Passenger Safety Infographics

booster seats  Motor vehicle crashes  Child passenger restraint  car seats  and seat belts 

CDC Vital Signs - Child Passenger Safety

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Child Passenger Safety | Vital Signs

children  booster seats  crashes  car seats  Motor vehicle deaths  Child passenger restraints  and seat belts 

CDC Vital Signs links science, policy, and communications with the intent of communicating a call-to-action for the public. CDC Vital Signs provides the most recent, comprehensive data on key indicators of important health topics.

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