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screening  diagnosis  mammography  BSE  self-exam  DCIS  digital  MQSA  overdiagnosis  overtreatment  false-negative  false-positive  5.28  mammogram  diagnostic  implants  BI-RADS  3-D  density  breast 

A fact sheet that defines screening and diagnostic mammograms; discusses the benefits and potential harms of screening mammography; and summarizes how findings, including breast density, are reported.

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Cuidados médicos de apoyo en niños (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

risk  testing  screening  depression  ovarian  suicide  diagnosis  laboratory  chance  tumor  prostate  staging  markers  targeted  PSA  end-of-life treatment/management  detection  follow-up  marker  5.18 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca de la peculiaridad de los asuntos que surgen durante y después del tratamiento en los niños con cáncer y como sobrevivientes adultos de cáncer.

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Tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

screening  test999  diagnosis  mammograms  non-small cell lung cancer  mammography  BSE  self-exam  DCIS  digital  MQSA  overdiagnosis  overtreatment  false-negative  false-positive  5.28  mammogram  diagnostic  implants  BI-RADS 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas.

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Tumor Markers

risk  testing  screening  ovarian  diagnosis  laboratory  chance  tumor  prostate  staging  targeted  PSA  prostate cancer  detection  follow-up  marker  5.18  CA 125  Prostate-Specific  American Society of Clinical Oncology 

A fact sheet that defines tumor markers and describes how they can be used to aid diagnosis and treatment.

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Graves' Disease

research  symptoms  treatment  pregnancy  patients  diagnosis  thyroid  Patient Care Management  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Diseases and Disorders  Graves Ophthalmopathy  TSH  Thyroiditis  Hashimotos Disease  Hyperthyroidism  Graves Disease 

Describes Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder and the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States, and its symptoms and treatment.

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Tips for the Undiagnosed

diagnosis  genetics  clinical trials  Genetic Disorders  rare diseases  undiagnosed  Rare disorders  Genetic Disease 

Trying to find an underlying diagnosis for many conditions can be a very long and frustrating experience. With more rare conditions, a diagnosis can often take many years. Although this can be incredibly difficult, the following information may help you navigate through the process of trying to obtain a diagnosis.

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Symptoms & Causes of GER & GERD

research  digestive system diseases  symptoms  therapy  diagnosis  Digestive Diseases  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Gastric Acid  Proton pump inhibitors  Drug Therapy  Heartburn  GI Tract  Gastroesophageal reflux disease  H2 Antagonists  Antacids  GER and GERD 

Learn the causes and symptoms of GER and GERD, including bad breath, chest pain, swallowing trouble, or worn teeth.

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The A1C Test & Diabetes

diabetes  testing  patients  diagnosis  management  Diabetes Mellitus  Diagnostic Tests  Blood Glucose  Blood test  health professionals  general public  hemoglobin A1c  hemoglobin  prediabetes  blood sugar  glucose tolerance test  A1C  standards  At Risk  Assessment Tool 

Learn what the A1C test is, how it works and is used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, when it doesn’t work, and how A1C relates to eAG.

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Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

blood  patients  diagnosis  complications  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  vitamins  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  chronic kidney failure  minerals  hormones  Hematocrit  Erythropoietin  End-Stage Renal Disease 

Explains how kidney disease can lead to anemia, the kidneys’ role in making red blood cells, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of anemia in kidney disease.

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