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A Tool for Assessing a Community's Capacity for SubstanceAbuse Care

public health  CDC  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  Health Planning  community networks  substance-related disorders  capacity building  risk assessment  Substance Abuse 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Evolution in Obesity and Chronic Disease Prevention Practice in California Public Health Departments, 2010

CDC  obesity  chronic disease  environmental health  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Public Health Practice  prevention and control  Health Policy  capacity building  health planning organizations  foundations  health planning support 

Local health departments (LHDs) are dedicating resources and attention to preventing obesity and associated chronic diseases, thus expanding their work beyond traditional public health activities such as surveillance. This study investigated practices of local health departments in California to prevent obesity and chronic disease.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Measuring and Monitoring Progress Toward Health Equity: Local Challenges for Public Health - CDC

CDC  program evaluation  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Public Health Practice  Population surveillance  Urban health  capacity building  Minority Groups 

To address health disparities, local health departments need high-resolution data on subpopulations and geographic regions, but the quality and availability of these data are often suboptimal. The Boston Public Health Commission and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health faced challenges in acquiring and using community-level data essential for the design and implementation of programs that can improve the health of those who have social or economic disadvantages. To overcome these challenges, both agencies used practical and innovative strategies for data management and analysis, including augmentation of existing population surveys, the use of combined data sets, and the generation of small-area estimates. These and other strategies show how community-level health data can be analyzed, expanded, and integrated into existing public health surveillance and program infrastructure to inform jurisdictional planning and tailoring of interventions aimed at achieving optimal health for all members of a community.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Research to Reality: Moving Evidence Into Practice Through an Online Community of Practice - CDC

CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  research translation  evidence-based public health  cancer control and prevention  community of practice  dissemination  capacity building 

How can a community of practice help further the practical application of cancer control research? In 2011, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) launched an online community of practice, Research to Reality (R2R). R2R aims to infuse evidence-based strategies into communities by engaging researchers and practitioners in a joint approach to research dissemination. To measure community growth and engagement, NCI measures data across 3 program domains: content, interaction, and activity. NCI uses Web analytics, usability testing, and content analyses to manage and evaluate R2R. As of December 2013, R2R had more than 1,700 registered members. More than 500 researchers and practitioners register for the monthly cyber-seminars, and 40% return each month. R2R hosts more than 15,500 page views and 5,000 site visits in an average month. This article describes the process of convening this online community and quantifies our experiences to date.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | The Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health Partnership Study: Multisector Partnerships in US Counties with Improving Health Metrics - CDC

CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Public Health Practice  community networks  Primary Prevention  capacity building  public-private partnership 

Multisector partnerships are promoted as a mechanism to improve population health. This study explored the types and salient features of multisector partnerships in US counties with improving population health metrics.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Characteristics of Successful Community Partnerships to Promote Physical Activity Among Young People, North Carolina, 2010"2012 - CDC

public health  disease  chronic  community  CDC  partnerships  characteristics  health promotion  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  community-based participatory research  capacity building  physical fitness 

Success of community-based projects has been thought to hinge on the strength of partnerships between those involved in design and implementation. However, characteristics of successful partnerships have not been fully described, particularly in the context of community-based physical activity promotion.

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