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Virtual Healthy School | CDC Features

school  kids  community  CDC Features  teachers  healthy schools  school environment  WSCC  School Setting 

Virtual Healthy School is a new way interactive learning tool from CDC Healthy Schools. Discover ways to ceate healthier school environments

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Emergency Preparedness Is Not "One Size Fits All" | CDC Features

emergency  community  preparedness  disability  CDC Features 

Emergencies present unique challenges for people living with disabilities.

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The Community Guide - Evidence Gaps beta

cancer  health  disease  community  awareness  CDC  guide  public 

 A key component of the Task Force's work is to identify gaps in the evidence base.

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Community Engagement in Health-Related Research: A CaseStudy of a Community-Linked Research Infrastructure, JeffersonCounty, Arkansas, 2011&ampndash2013

public health  community  CDC  blacks  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  community-based participatory research  health care disparities  Minority Groups  African Americans  health services 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Social Ecological Model - CRCCP

cancer  policy  community  CDC  colorectal  health promotion  organizational  control program  CRCCP  social ecological model  multi-level  individual  interpersonal 

CDC adapted the social ecological model of health promotion to represent the Colorectal Cancer Control Program's multi-level approach to colorectal cancer prevention.

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Home | Act Against AIDS | CDC

prevention  HIV  AIDS  treatment  community  campaigns  stories  materials  partnerships  test  HIV test  act against aids  AAA  AAALI  101  email  NPIN 

The basics of HIV and AIDS and learn how to take steps to prevent transmission and protect yourself from HIV.

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Be Ready, Be Healthy | CDC Features

emergency  community  response  preparedness  CDC Features 

Start talking to those around you about emergency preparedness today

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Improving Children's Menus inCommunity Restaurants: Best Food for Families, Infants, andToddlers Best Food FITS Intervention, South Central Texas,2010-2014 - CDC

vegetables  community  CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  restaurants  beverages  menu planning  pediatric obesity  fast foods  intervention studies 

Approximately 32% of US children are overweight or obese. Restaurant and fast food meals contribute 18% of daily calories for children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years. Changing children’s menus may improve their diets. This case study describes Best Food for Families, Infants, and Toddlers (Best Food FITS), a community-based intervention designed to address childhood obesity. The objective of this study was to improve San Marcos children’s access to healthy diets through partnerships with local restaurants, removing sugar-sweetened beverages, decreasing the number of energy-dense entrées, and increasing fruit and vegetable offerings on restaurant menus.

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